Friday, 9 November 2012

Feminism Essay

 "To what extent do you agree with Judith Butler's theory that gender roles are socially constructed"?

I believe that the genders are socially constructed as Judith Butler's and I agree with Judith butler theory as gender are fixed from the day you are born when your mum puts either blue or pink clothes on you.

As Judith Butler's theory argues that genders are reinforced in the media, through advertisement for example Lego toys which were aimed at boys, they are slightly aiming to a more unisex approach to advertisements.

Furthermore, a theory that opposes Butler's theory is Mc Robbie is that gender/feminism is empowered for example in the 90's and 80's, women wanted either a family or marriage; now teenager girls want to go university and get a job which allows men to have a different view of traditional feminist.

The women who show us, Mc Robbie's theory in everyday life is Julia Guillard who is a YouTube sensations and Australian Prime Minister, she had related her self to being a women as as fellow member of the party had quoted the judge to being misogynist (hatred against women) and the video had become viral for many people to see around the world.

Furthermore I do agree with Judith Butlers theory of genders are socially constructed due to Christmas toy displayed in shops like Morrison splitting up gender from a young age leaving a child confused about what toys they are allowed to play with.

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