- How much information is in circulation on the internet (in gigabytes)?
An average person consume 34GB on a average day to overall consumption total of 3.6 zettabytes, but according to the guardian newspaper is 500 billion gigabytes.
- What proportion of the world’s population can now go online?
The total usage of the internet since 31st December 2011 is throughout the whole world is 2,267,233.742 billion which means a 32.7% of the population penerate the internet with a 528.1% growth since 2000.
- The number of people who could access the internet in 1995?
In December 1995, the number of people who could access and use the internet was 16 million and then it increases making Mcluhans theory of global village a reality
- The number of people who can access the internet in today?
Since March 2012, around 2,280 millions users can access the internet compared to 1995 is has increased with
- 45 per cent of Internet users used a mobile phone to connect to the Internet
- 6 million people accessed the Internet over their mobile phone for the first time in the previous 12 months
- The use of wireless hotspots almost doubled in the last 12 months to 4.9 million users
- 21 per cent of Internet users did not believe their skills were sufficient to protect their personal data
- 77 per cent of households had Internet access.
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